__ __  ___             ____  _____

        / // / /   |_   _______/ __ \/ ___/
       / // /_/ /| | | / / ___/ / / /\__ \
      /__  __/ ___ | |/ / /  / /_/ /___/ /
        /_/ /_/  |_|___/_/   \____//____/
        ____                    ____       _              _       _
       / ___|___   ___  _ __   / ___|  ___| |__   ___  __| |_   _| | ___ _ __
      | |   / _ \ / _ \| '_ \  \___ \ / __| '_ \ / _ \/ _` | | | | |/ _ \ '__|
      | |__| (_) | (_) | |_) |  ___) | (__| | | |  __/ (_| | |_| | |  __/ |
       \____\___/ \___/| .__/  |____/ \___|_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__,_|_|\___|_|
         __                       __
        / /  __ __  ______ ______/ /__  ____ _
       / _ \/ // / / __/ // / __/ __/ |/ /  ' \
      /_.__/\_, /  \__/\_,_/_/  \__/|___/_/_/_/

>cooperative scheduler
>now split up for easier use

>original inspiration here

Download here ->

version 2007.10.06

my bootloader here

Preview here-
4AvrOS.h, 4AvrOS.c, 4AvrOS_Tasks.h, 4AvrOS_Tasks.c

Copyright (c) 2007,2008, Curt Van Maanen

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without
fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear
in all copies.


// __ __ ___ ____ _____ //
// / // / / |_ _______/ __ \/ ___/ //
// / // /_/ /| | | / / ___/ / / /\__ \ //
// /__ __/ ___ | |/ / / / /_/ /___/ / //
// /_/ /_/ |_|___/_/ \____//____/ //
// ____ ____ _ _ _ //
// / ___|___ ___ _ __ / ___| ___| |__ ___ __| |_ _| | ___ _ __ //
// | | / _ \ / _ \| '_ \ \___ \ / __| '_ \ / _ \/ _` | | | | |/ _ \ '__| //
// | |__| (_) | (_) | |_) | ___) | (__| | | | __/ (_| | |_| | | __/ | //
// \____\___/ \___/| .__/ |____/ \___|_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__,_|_|\___|_| //
// |_| //
// __ __ //
// / / __ __ ______ ______/ /__ ____ _ //
// / _ \/ // / / __/ // / __/ __/ |/ / ' \ //
// /_.__/\_, / \__/\_,_/_/ \__/|___/_/_/_/ //
// /___/ //
// //
// //
// Copyright 2007 by Curt Van Maanen //
// //
// Version 2007.10.06 //
// 4AvrOS.h //

#ifndef _4AVROS_H
#define _4AVROS_H

___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ _ _ ___
| \| __/ __| | /_\ | _ \ /_\_ _|_ _/ _ \| \| / __|
| |) | _| (__| |__ / _ \| / / _ \| | | | (_) | .` \__ \
|___/|___\___|____/_/ \_\_|_\/_/ \_\_| |___\___/|_|\_|___/


semaOwner[] keeps track of sema task owner

extern uint8_t semaOwner[];

thisTaskN is the the current task number

extern uint8_t thisTaskN;

___ _ _ _ _ ___ _____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ _______ _____ ___ ___
| __| | | | \| |/ __|_ _|_ _/ _ \| \| | | _ \ _ \/ _ \_ _/ _ \_ _\ \ / / _ \ __/ __|
| _|| |_| | .` | (__ | | | | (_) | .` | | _/ / (_) || || (_) || | \ V /| _/ _|\__ \
|_| \___/|_|\_|\___| |_| |___\___/|_|\_| |_| |_|_\\___/ |_| \___/ |_| |_| |_| |___|___/


all os calls needed by tasks (used in os call define macros) (these are 'public' functions)

void __save_goto (uint8_t *gl);
uint8_t __get_priority (uint8_t tn);
void __set_priority (uint8_t tn, uint8_t pri);
void __set_rtr (uint8_t tn, uint8_t i);
void __clear_rtr (uint8_t tn);
void __wait (uint8_t nTicks);
uint8_t __getSema (uint8_t n);
void __releaseSema (uint8_t n);

___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___
| \| __| __|_ _| \| | __/ __|
| |) | _|| _| | || .` | _|\__ \
|___/|___|_| |___|_|\_|___|___/


generate goto label, need 2 'layers' because __LINE__ needs expanding first to line number

#define MY_CONCAT2(s,L) __CONCAT(s,L)
#define MY_CONCAT(s,L) MY_CONCAT2(s,L)

macros for running tasks, put at beginning and end of tasks (functions)
sets up function name and task loop, goto will cause a jump to appropriate resume position in task

#define BEGIN_TASK(name) void (name)(uint8_t *gl){\
if (gl) goto *gl;\
for(;;) {
#define END_TASK } }

___ ___ ___ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___
/ _ \/ __| / __| /_\ | | | | | \| __| __|_ _| \| | __/ __|
| (_) \__ \ | (__ / _ \| |__| |__ | |) | _|| _| | || .` | _|\__ \
\___/|___/ \___/_/ \_\____|____| |___/|___|_| |___|_|\_|___|___/


suspend the task for ticks * ~10ms
ready to run bit will be cleared, timer0 will set it ready to run when ticks gets to 0

#define osWAIT(ticks) { __save_goto(&&MY_CONCAT(L,__LINE__));\
return; }\

wait while 'statement' is true, if true, wait ~10ms, then try again

#define osWAIT_WHILE(statement) { __save_goto(&&MY_CONCAT(L,__LINE__));\
if(statement) { __wait(1); return; } }

wait until 'statement' is true, if not true, wait ~10ms, then try again

#define osWAIT_UNTIL(statement) { __save_goto(&&MY_CONCAT(L,__LINE__));\
if(!(statement)) { __wait(1); return; } }

clear rtr of task, do statement, then yield, waiting for irq to set task rtr again

#define osWAIT_IRQ(statement) { __clear_rtr(thisTaskN);\
return; }\

check if any other higher priority tasks are ready to run, yield to them if so
does not clear the ready to run bit, will return right away if it is the highest priority task

#define osYIELD { __save_goto(&&MY_CONCAT(L,__LINE__));\
return; }\

suspend the task, will only start again when another task or irq sets this task ready to run

#define osSUSPEND { __save_goto(&&MY_CONCAT(L,__LINE__));\
return; }\

get priority number of a task

#define osGET_PRIORITY(taskname) __get_priority(taskname ## NUMBER)

set priority of a task

#define osSET_PRIORITY(taskname,pri) __set_priority(taskname ## NUMBER,pri)

clear the ready to run status of a task, scheduler does not run (ticks is also cleared)
taskname is the name of the task, the macro will expand to get the number

#define osCLEAR_RTR(taskname) __clear_rtr(taskname ## NUMBER)
#define osDISABLE_TASK(taskname) __clear_rtr(taskname ## NUMBER)

get ownership of a semaphore, if available, otherwise suspend until it becomes available

#define osGET_SEMA(semaNum) { __save_goto(&&MY_CONCAT(L,__LINE__));\
if(!(__getSema(semaNum))) return;}\

release ownership of a semaphore, check if other tasks want it

#define osRELEASE_SEMA(semaNum) __releaseSema(semaNum);

if a task owns a semaphore, only the these two commands will enable the task

#define osSET_SEMA_OWNER_RTR(semaNum) __set_rtr(semaOwner[semaNum],1)
#define osENABLE_SEMA_OWNER(semaNum) __set_rtr(semaOwner[semaNum],1)

set the ready to run status of a task, scheduler does not run (ticks is also cleared)
taskname is the name of the task, the macro will expand to get the number
if task owns a semaphore, it will not be enabled (use osENABLE_SEMA_OWNER instead)

#define osSET_RTR(taskname) __set_rtr(taskname ## NUMBER,nSemas)
#define osENABLE_TASK(taskname) __set_rtr(taskname ## NUMBER,nSemas)
#define osSET_RTR(taskname) __set_rtr(taskname ## NUMBER,1)
#define osENABLE_TASK(taskname) __set_rtr(taskname ## NUMBER,1)


#endif // _4AVROS_H

// __ __ ___ ____ _____ //
// / // / / |_ _______/ __ \/ ___/ //
// / // /_/ /| | | / / ___/ / / /\__ \ //
// /__ __/ ___ | |/ / / / /_/ /___/ / //
// /_/ /_/ |_|___/_/ \____//____/ //
// ____ ____ _ _ _ //
// / ___|___ ___ _ __ / ___| ___| |__ ___ __| |_ _| | ___ _ __ //
// | | / _ \ / _ \| '_ \ \___ \ / __| '_ \ / _ \/ _` | | | | |/ _ \ '__| //
// | |__| (_) | (_) | |_) | ___) | (__| | | | __/ (_| | |_| | | __/ | //
// \____\___/ \___/| .__/ |____/ \___|_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__,_|_|\___|_| //
// |_| //
// __ __ //
// / / __ __ ______ ______/ /__ ____ _ //
// / _ \/ // / / __/ // / __/ __/ |/ / ' \ //
// /_.__/\_, / \__/\_,_/_/ \__/|___/_/_/_/ //
// /___/ //
// //
// //
// Copyright 2007 by Curt Van Maanen //
// //
// Version 2007.10.06 //
// 4AvrOS.c //

___ _ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___
|_ _| \| |/ __| | | | | | \| __/ __|
| || .` | (__| |_| |_| | |) | _|\__ \


#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
#include "4AvrOS_Tasks.h" // needs to be before 4AvrOS.h
#include "4AvrOS.h"

___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___
| \| __| __|_ _| \| | __/ __|
| |) | _|| _| | || .` | _|\__ \
|___/|___|_| |___|_|\_|___|___/


error codes

#define ERR__getSema 0x11 //argument passed to function is out of range in __getSema
#define ERR__releaseSema 0x12 //argument passed to function is out of range in __releaseSema
#define ERR__releaseSemaTN 0x13 //non-owner tried to release semaphore in __releaseSema
#define ERR__set_rtr 0x14 //invalid task number passed to function
#define ERR__clear_rtr 0x15 //invalid task number passed to function
#define ERR__get_priority 0x16 //invalid task number passed to function
#define ERR__set_priority 0x17 //invalid task number passed to function
#define ERR__set_priorityP 0x18 //invalid priority number passed to function

timer0 is used for the osWAIT command, with the 'wait' time of 1 is set to 10ms
the prescale is set to 8, and timer0 runs in mode 0 (normal), where the timer just counts up to 255, then
the timer goes to 0, which sets the overflow flag (timer0 keeps running)
when the overflow irq fires, it will add 256 to the timer0_acc variable, and if the variable exceeds the
number of clock cycles in 10ms (cpu freq/prescale/(1/.01)), it will enable the compareA irq which will
take care of decrementing the 'ticks' variables for the tasks
if the 'ticks' variable goes from 1 to 0, that task will then be enabled
all clock freqencies will use the same prescale and timer mode, which will cause time errors in the '10ms'
time, but will be close enough, and the error will average to 0 because the 'extra' time in the variable
timer0_acc will be left in (cpu_freq/800 is subtracted from timer0_acc), and eventually the error is
taken care of
the separated timer0 irq's are used to keep the overflow irq short (less push/pop), so that it will require
less cpu time (as it runs more often), but is not necessary to split it as I have done
timer0 registers

#ifdef TCCR0B
#define Timer0_Control TCCR0B
#define Timer0_Irq_Mask TIMSK0
#define Timer0_Counter TCNT0
#elif defined TCCR0
#define Timer0_Control TCCR0
#define Timer0_Irq_Mask TIMSK
#define Timer0_Counter TCNT0
#error "Timer0 register names unknown."

timer0 prescale, defines for irq calculations

#define Timer0_Prescale 0x02 // prescale= clkio/8
#define Timer0_tp10ms (uint16_t)(F_CPU/8/100) // timer0 ticks per 10ms

defines for status byte in task info struct

#define RTR_ON 0x80 // mask bit for rtr status of task, 0=stopped, 1=run
#define RTR_OFF 0x00 // used to set rtr initially off
#define SEMA_BITS 0x0F // mask bits 0-3 in status for semaphore number
// 0 = none wanted, 1-15 = semaphore wanted

___ _ ___ ___ _ _ __ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ _ ___ ___
/ __| | / _ \| _ ) /_\ | | \ \ / /_\ | _ \_ _| /_\ | _ ) | | __/ __|
| (_ | |_| (_) | _ \/ _ \| |__ \ V / _ \| /| | / _ \| _ \ |__| _|\__ \
\___|____\___/|___/_/ \_\____| \_/_/ \_\_|_\___/_/ \_\___/____|___|___/


timer0 accumulator, keeps total count of timer0 ticks

uint16_t timer0_acc;

myTasks[] stores info about each task

struct ts {
uint8_t *goto_label; // store goto label address for resume of task
volatile uint8_t status; // store status data for a task, rtr/semaphore
uint8_t sch_count; // how many times waiting in the scheduler
volatile uint8_t ticks; // store wait time for the tasks
} myTasks[nTasks];

thisTaskP points to the current task struct, inititalize with address of the first task struct of myTasks

struct ts *thisTaskP = myTasks;

thisTaskN is the the current task number

uint8_t thisTaskN;

semaOwner[] keeps track of sema task owner

uint8_t semaOwner[nSemas];

store address and init status for each task into program memory
up to 16 tasks, can expand if more needed

const struct PROGMEM ta {
uint16_t addr; // address of task (function)
uint8_t init; // initial rtr and priority
} taskAddress[nTasks] = {

#ifdef __Task0
{ (uint16_t)__Task0,
(__Task0_init | ((__Task0_priority & 7) << 4)) },
#ifdef __Task1
{ (uint16_t)__Task1,
(__Task1_init | ((__Task1_priority & 7) << 4)) },
#ifdef __Task2
{ (uint16_t)__Task2,
(__Task2_init | ((__Task2_priority & 7) << 4)) },
#ifdef __Task3
{ (uint16_t)__Task3,
(__Task3_init | ((__Task3_priority & 7) << 4)) },
#ifdef __Task4
{ (uint16_t)__Task4,
(__Task4_init | ((__Task4_priority & 7) << 4)) },
#ifdef __Task5
{ (uint16_t)__Task5,
(__Task5_init | ((__Task5_priority & 7) << 4)) },
#ifdef __Task6
{ (uint16_t)__Task6,
(__Task6_init | ((__Task6_priority & 7) << 4)) },
#ifdef __Task7
{ (uint16_t)__Task7,
(__Task7_init | ((__Task7_priority & 7) << 4)) },
#ifdef __Task8
{ (uint16_t)__Task8,
(__Task8_init | ((__Task8_priority & 7) << 4)) },
#ifdef __Task9
{ (uint16_t)__Task9,
(__Task9_init | ((__Task9_priority & 7) << 4)) },
#ifdef __Task10
{ (uint16_t)__Task10,
(__Task10_init | ((__Task10_priority & 7) << 4)) },
#ifdef __Task11
{ (uint16_t)__Task11,
(__Task11_init | ((__Task11_priority & 7) << 4)) },
#ifdef __Task12
{ (uint16_t)__Task12,
(__Task12_init | ((__Task12_priority & 7) << 4)) },
#ifdef __Task13
{ (uint16_t)__Task13,
(__Task13_init | ((__Task13_priority & 7) << 4)) },
#ifdef __Task14
{ (uint16_t)__Task14,
(__Task14_init | ((__Task14_priority & 7) << 4)) },
#ifdef __Task15
{ (uint16_t)__Task15,
(__Task15_init | ((__Task15_priority & 7) << 4)) },

___ _ _ _ _ ___ _____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ _______ _____ ___ ___
| __| | | | \| |/ __|_ _|_ _/ _ \| \| | | _ \ _ \/ _ \_ _/ _ \_ _\ \ / / _ \ __/ __|
| _|| |_| | .` | (__ | | | | (_) | .` | | _/ / (_) || || (_) || | \ V /| _/ _|\__ \
|_| \___/|_|\_|\___| |_| |___\___/|_|\_| |_| |_|_\\___/ |_| \___/ |_| |_| |_| |___|___/


these are 'private' functions to this file only ('puclic' functions are in the 4AvrOS.h file)

static void __osError(uint8_t err,uint8_t bad_num);
static void __restore_priority(uint8_t tn);
static void __inc_sch_count(uint8_t tn);
static void __schedule(void);

___ _ _ _ _ ___ _____ ___ ___ _ _ ___
| __| | | | \| |/ __|_ _|_ _/ _ \| \| |/ __|
| _|| |_| | .` | (__ | | | | (_) | .` |\__ \
|_| \___/|_|\_|\___| |_| |___\___/|_|\_||___/


save 'goto label address' for returning to task after os call

void __save_goto(uint8_t *gl){
thisTaskP->goto_label = gl;

error handling function, can use to troubleshoot problems

static void __osError(uint8_t err,uint8_t bad_num){ // error code + bad number
// turn off irq's (no irq's while __osError does its thing)
while(1); //just halt here (can do whatever you want)

restore priority number of a task from progtram memory (original setting)
only used by __releaseSema, so no error checking on tn done

static void __restore_priority(uint8_t tn){
__set_priority(tn, (pgm_read_byte(&taskAddress[tn].init))>>4 & 7 );


get priority number of a task

uint8_t __get_priority(uint8_t tn){
if(tn >= nTasks){ // make sure a valid task number
__osError(ERR__get_priority,tn); // error, invalid task number
return 0;
return ((myTasks[tn].status >> 4) & 7); // lower 3 bits in high nibble

set priority number of a task

void __set_priority(uint8_t tn, uint8_t pri){
if(tn >= nTasks){ // make sure a valid task number
__osError(ERR__set_priority,tn); // error, invalid task number
else if(pri > 7){ // make sure a valid priority
__osError(ERR__set_priorityP,pri); // error, invalid priority
uint8_t temp_s; // temp status byte storage
temp_s = myTasks[tn].status & 0x8F; // clear out priority bits (bits4-6)
pri <<= 4; // move priority number up into position
myTasks[tn].status = temp_s | pri; // save previous status + new priority

enable task number ready to run status if a valid task number, and not waiting for a semaphore
also check if the task tn owns a semaphore (only if semaphores enabled)

void __set_rtr(uint8_t tn, uint8_t i){
if(tn >= nTasks){ // make sure a valid task number
__osError(ERR__set_rtr,tn); // error, invalid task number
// check all semaphores (if nSemas passed) to see if task owns any
// osSET_SEMA_OWNER_RTR(semaowner),osENABLE_SEMA_OWNER(semaowner) will skip this check
// because they pass 1, which will predecrement to 0,skipping this check
while(--i){ // pre-decrement (check sema 1 to nSemas)
if(semaOwner[i] == tn){ // if task owns a semaphore,
return; // return
// if waiting for a semaphore, do not enable
if(myTasks[tn].status & 0x0F){ // if waiting for a semaphore, do not enable task
return; // just return
myTasks[tn].status |= RTR_ON; // turn on rtr bit
myTasks[tn].ticks = 0; // clear tick counter, so if task was waiting, it will
// not be re-enabled when wait time is done

clear task number ready to run status

void __clear_rtr(uint8_t tn){
if(tn >= nTasks){ // make sure a valid task number
__osError(ERR__clear_rtr,tn); // error, invalid task number
myTasks[tn].status &= ~RTR_ON;
myTasks[tn].ticks = 0; // clear tick counter, so if task was waiting, it will
} // not be re-enabled when wait time is done

increase sch_count of task (keep track of how many times a task was ready, but was not run because of a
higher priority task that was also ready, or was waiting for a semaphore)

static void __inc_sch_count(uint8_t tn){
struct ts *mt; // pointer to myTasks[tn] struct
mt = &myTasks[tn]; // get address of myTasks[tn]
if(mt->sch_count < 0xFF){ // only increase count if not 0xFF (prevent rollover)
mt->sch_count++; // increase the sch_count of task

scheduler finds the highest priority task ready to run (if any), loops if none found
tasks that have been waiting longest, are given priority for same priority tasks
if a task is ready, find task address from pgm memory, then call it (goto number passed to task)

static void __schedule(void){
uint8_t highestPriority; // keep track of highest priority task found
uint8_t i; // loop counter
uint8_t this_pri; // priority of myTasks[i] (current task in loop)
uint8_t save_tn=0; // task number of task to run
uint8_t this_cnt; // sch_count of myTasks[i] (how many times waiting)
uint8_t save_cnt=0; // sch_count of task to run

for(;;){ // loop in scheduler forever

// set priority higher than any task
highestPriority=8; // start 1 more than possible

// loop through all tasks to find a task to run
for(i=0; i < nTasks; i++){ // loop through all tasks
this_pri = myTasks[i].status >> 4; // get status byte, move high nibble to low nibble
this_cnt = myTasks[i].sch_count; // get sch_count of task

// if a task has the rtr bit set
if(this_pri & 8){ // if rtr bit set
this_pri &= 7; // mask off rtr bit, only priority number is left

// first, find out if this is the highest priority task
// the first rtr task will always be the highest priority (is > 8)
if(this_pri < highestPriority){ // if higher priority task

// found a higher priority task, so now see if this was not the first
// task found (highestPriority will not be 8), if was not the first, the previously
// saved task needs its sch_count increased, since it will not run
if(highestPriority!=8){ // this is not the first task found
__inc_sch_count(save_tn); // increase sch_count of previous task
highestPriority = this_pri; // save this priority number as the highest found
save_tn = i; // save task number of this task
save_cnt = this_cnt; // save sch_count of this task

// was not a higher priority, so now check if it is the same priority as the highest
// priority previously found
else if(this_pri == highestPriority){ // this must be at least the second task found ready

// same priority, so now check if this task has a higher sch_count (waiting longer)
if(this_cnt > save_cnt){ // if been waiting longer,
__inc_sch_count(save_tn); // increase sch_count of previous task
save_tn = i; // save the task number of this task
save_cnt = this_cnt; // save sch_count of this task
else{ // have not been waiting longer than previous task
__inc_sch_count(i); // just increase sch_count of this task

// this task is a lower priority task, so just increase its sch_count
else{ // is lower priority task
__inc_sch_count(i); // increase sch_count of this task
} //if

// rtr bit was not set
else{ // is not rtr, but check if waiting for semaphore
if(myTasks[i].status & 0x0F){ // if low nibble not 0, then is waiting for a semaphore
__inc_sch_count(i); // increase sch_count of this task
} //for

wdt_reset(); // reset wdt here (in case wdt fused always on)
// if using watchdog and timeout occurs, that means
// the scheduler is not resetting the watchdog, which
// means a task is stuck, or taking too long
// set watchdog timeout to max time you want to let a
// task run

// check if a task found, if highestPriority is not 8, a task was found
if(highestPriority != 8){ // found a task to run
thisTaskN = save_tn; // save task number
thisTaskP = &myTasks[save_tn]; // save pointer to task struct
thisTaskP->sch_count=0; // clear sch_count of task

// ( (void (*)(uint8_t *)) address_to_call )(uint8_t *);
// read address of task stored in program memory
// typecast as a function pointer with no return value, and passing a uint8_t pointer
// then call that function, with the task goto_label as a parameter
( (void (*)(uint8_t *)) pgm_read_word(&taskAddress[save_tn].addr) ) (thisTaskP->goto_label);

// no task was found rtr
// can put to sleep here if needed, as no tasks were found ready to run
// and the only thing now that can start a task is an interrupt
// after wakeup, continue, and check tasks status again

} //for
} //void

disable task, load wait value in myTasks struct

void __wait(uint8_t nTicks){
thisTaskP->status &= ~RTR_ON; // turn off task ready-to-run bit
thisTaskP->ticks = nTicks; // store tick value into task ticks variable

if sema number in use, suspend task and store sema number in task status
return 1 if sema was available, return 0 if not
also bump up priority of semaphore owner if another higher priority task also wants that semaphore

uint8_t __getSema(uint8_t n){
if((n == 0) || (n >= nSemas)){ // make sure a valid sema number is passed
__osError(ERR__getSema,n); // not a valid sema number
return 0; // keep compiler happy
else if(semaOwner[n] == thisTaskN){ // if trying to get the same sema it already owns
return 1; // just return 1
else if(semaOwner[n] == 0xFF){ // if available
semaOwner[n] = thisTaskN; // put task number in semaOwner
return 1; // available, return 1
else{ // not available
thisTaskP->status &= ~RTR_ON; // suspend this task
thisTaskP->status |= n; // set sema number in this task that wanted it
if(__get_priority(thisTaskN) < __get_priority(semaOwner[n])){ // if this task has higher priority
__set_priority(semaOwner[n],__get_priority(thisTaskN)); // bump up owner priority
return 0; // not available

clear sema bits from task, then check if any other tasks have that sema number, set highest
priority task with the sema number ready to run

void __releaseSema(uint8_t n){
uint8_t i; // temp counter
uint8_t this_pri; // priority of task i
uint8_t this_cnt; // sch_count of task i
uint8_t save_tn=0; // highest priotiy task number found wanting semaphore
uint8_t save_cnt=0; // sch_count of highest priority task number foun wanting semaphore
uint8_t highestPriority=8; // highest priority found, any task will be higher priority than 8

if((n==0) || (n>=nSemas)){ // make sure a valid sema number is passed
__osError(ERR__releaseSema,n); // not a valid sema number
else if(semaOwner[n] != thisTaskN){ // only sema owner can release semaphore
__osError(ERR__releaseSemaTN,n); // non-owner tried to release semaphore
__restore_priority(semaOwner[n]); // restore priority

semaOwner[n] = 0xFF; // clear owner from sema
for(i = 0; i < nTasks; i++){ // find other tasks wanting this semaphore
this_pri = myTasks[i].status; // get status byte
if((this_pri & SEMA_BITS) == n){ // if sema number matches this sema
this_pri = (this_pri >> 4) & 0x07; // get priority
this_cnt = myTasks[i].sch_count; // get sch_count of task
if(this_pri < highestPriority){ // if higher priority task
highestPriority = this_pri; // save priority number
save_tn = i; // then save task number
save_cnt = this_cnt; // save sch_count
else if(this_pri == highestPriority){ // if same priority
if(this_cnt > save_cnt){ // check if was waiting longer
save_tn = i; // yes, then save task number
save_cnt = this_cnt; // and save sch_count
if(highestPriority != 8){ // found a task to set rtr
myTasks[save_tn].status |= RTR_ON; // enable the task
myTasks[save_tn].status &= ~SEMA_BITS; // clear sema bits in task
semaOwner[n] = save_tn; // set sema owner to task number

___ _ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _____ ___
|_ _| \| |_ _| __| _ \ _ \ | | | _ \_ _/ __|
| || .` | | | | _|| / / |_| | _/ | | \__ \
|___|_|\_| |_| |___|_|_\_|_\\___/|_| |_| |___/


timer0 overflows every 256 ticks (with prescale=8, cpu freq/8/100= timer ticks per 10ms)
when timer0_acc >= cpu freq/800, enable compareA irq (flag is already set)
the 'splitting' of the timer0 routines is done to keep the overflow irq time to a minumum, since this will
be run more often (irq runs faster because of less push/pop of registers)

ISR(TIMER0_OVF_vect){ // Timer0 overflows every 256 timer ticks
timer0_acc += 256; // add timer ticks
if(timer0_acc >= Timer0_tp10ms){ // if acumulated ticks >= timer ticks per 10ms
TIMSK0 |= (1<<OCIE0A); // enable compareA irq

timer0 compareA irq will run every ~10ms, enabled by the overflow irq
the compare irq is disabled, and timer ticks per 10ms is subtracted from timer0_acc
the time between compareA irq's will be 'about' 10ms, but the accumulated error will average to 0

ISR(TIMER0_COMPA_vect){ // timer0 overflow enables this irq every ~10ms
uint8_t i; // loop counter

TIMSK0 &= ~(1<<OCIE0A); // disable compareA irq
timer0_acc -= Timer0_tp10ms; // subtract timer ticks per 10ms

for (i = 0; i < nTasks; i++){ // go through each task
if (myTasks[i].ticks){ // if tick value not 0 for a task
if (--myTasks[i].ticks==0){ // decrement and check again
myTasks[i].status |= RTR_ON; // now is 0, so set it ready-to-run again

__ __ _ ___ _ _
| \/ | /_\ |_ _| \| |
| |\/| |/ _ \ | || .` |
|_| |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_|


int main(void){
// make sure wdt disabled, even if not used
MCUSR = 0; // clear reset flags (important on newer avr's)
wdt_disable(); // disable watchdog timer

initialize user stuff- ports,io registers, etc

init_mystuff(); // in 4AvrOS_Tasks.c

initialize semaOwner array to 0xFF
thisTaskN is used, and will be 0 when done, semaOwner[0] will not be set (not used)


Initialize timer0 with prescale value, turn on timer0 irq

Timer0_Control = Timer0_Prescale;
Timer0_Irq_Mask |= (1<<TOIE0);

initialize myTasks[]

myTasks[thisTaskN].status = pgm_read_byte(&taskAddress[thisTaskN].init);

turn on interrupts, start scheduler (never returns)


return 0; // keep compiler happy (should never get here)

// __ __ ___ ____ _____ //
// / // / / |_ _______/ __ \/ ___/ //
// / // /_/ /| | | / / ___/ / / /\__ \ //
// /__ __/ ___ | |/ / / / /_/ /___/ / //
// /_/ /_/ |_|___/_/ \____//____/ //
// ____ ____ _ _ _ //
// / ___|___ ___ _ __ / ___| ___| |__ ___ __| |_ _| | ___ _ __ //
// | | / _ \ / _ \| '_ \ \___ \ / __| '_ \ / _ \/ _` | | | | |/ _ \ '__| //
// | |__| (_) | (_) | |_) | ___) | (__| | | | __/ (_| | |_| | | __/ | //
// \____\___/ \___/| .__/ |____/ \___|_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__,_|_|\___|_| //
// |_| //
// __ __ //
// / / __ __ ______ ______/ /__ ____ _ //
// / _ \/ // / / __/ // / __/ __/ |/ / ' \ //
// /_.__/\_, / \__/\_,_/_/ \__/|___/_/_/_/ //
// /___/ //
// //
// //
// Copyright 2007 by Curt Van Maanen //
// //
// Version 2007.10.06 //
// 4AvrOS_Tasks.h //

#ifndef _4AVROS_TASKS_H
#define _4AVROS_TASKS_H

___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _____ _ ___ _ _____
| \| __| __|_ _| \| | __| |_ _/_\ / __| |/ / __|
| |) | _|| _| | || .` | _| | |/ _ \\__ \ ' <\__ \
|___/|___|_| |___|_|\_|___| |_/_/ \_\___/_|\_\___/


setup your tasks here, up to 16 (__Task0 to __Task15)
more can be added if needed- change 4AvrOS.c (taskAddress variable initialization) and defines below

#define __Taskn NameOfTaskFunction
#define __Taskn_priority priority (0-7)
#define __Taskn_init RTR_ON or RTR_OFF


#define __Task0 demoLed1_Task
#define __Task0_priority 2
#define __Task0_init RTR_ON

#define __Task1 demoLed2_Task
#define __Task1_priority 2
#define __Task1_init RTR_ON

___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___ ___ __ __ _ ___ _ _ ___ ___ ___ ___
| \| __| __|_ _| \| | __| / __| __| \/ | /_\ | _ \ || |/ _ \| _ \ __/ __|
| |) | _|| _| | || .` | _| \__ \ _|| |\/| |/ _ \| _/ __ | (_) | / _|\__ \
|___/|___|_| |___|_|\_|___| |___/___|_| |_/_/ \_\_| |_||_|\___/|_|_\___|___/


create semaphores here, (up to 15)- there is no semaphore 0 (only 1-15)
enum {do_not_remove,firstSema,nSemas}; do_not_remove used to prevent using first one (0)

#define SEMAPHORES_ON 1 // 0=off, 1=on

enum {do_not_remove,semaTX,nSemas};

___ _ _ _ _ ___ _____ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ _______ _____ ___ ___
| __| | | | \| |/ __|_ _|_ _/ _ \| \| | | _ \ _ \/ _ \_ _/ _ \_ _\ \ / / _ \ __/ __|
| _|| |_| | .` | (__ | | | | (_) | .` | | _/ / (_) || || (_) || | \ V /| _/ _|\__ \
|_| \___/|_|\_|\___| |_| |___\___/|_|\_| |_| |_|_\\___/ |_| \___/ |_| |_| |_| |___|___/


void init_mystuff(void); // used by 4AvrOS.c

___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___
| \| __| __|_ _| \| | __/ __|
| |) | _|| _| | || .` | _|\__ \
|___/|___|_| |___|_|\_|___|___/


setup function prototype, task number enum
goto_label (gl) is passed to task, used for goto statement
need 2 macros, so 'name' is expanded first

#define SETUP_TASK2(name,num) void name(uint8_t *gl);\
enum{name ## NUMBER = num};
#define SETUP_TASK(name,num) SETUP_TASK2(name,num)

SETUP_TASK(taskname,num) for each task (sets up function prototype and enum)
up to 16 tasks, can expand if more needed
nTasks will automatically be set to the number of tasks

#define nTasks 0 // set to no tasks defined

#ifdef __Task0 // if was defined
SETUP_TASK(__Task0,nTasks) // setup the task (nTasks=0)
#undef nTasks // undefine nTasks
#define nTasks 1 // set it to 1 now

#ifdef __Task1 // if was defined
SETUP_TASK(__Task1,nTasks) // setup the task (nTasks=1)
#undef nTasks // undefine nTasks
#define nTasks 2 // set it to 2 now

#ifdef __Task2 // and so on
#undef nTasks
#define nTasks 3

#ifdef __Task3
#undef nTasks
#define nTasks 4

#ifdef __Task4
#undef nTasks
#define nTasks 5

#ifdef __Task5
#undef nTasks
#define nTasks 6

#ifdef __Task6
#undef nTasks
#define nTasks 7

#ifdef __Task7
#undef nTasks
#define nTasks 8

#ifdef __Task8
#undef nTasks
#define nTasks 9

#ifdef __Task9
#undef nTasks
#define nTasks 10

#ifdef __Task10
#undef nTasks
#define nTasks 11

#ifdef __Task11
#undef nTasks
#define nTasks 12

#ifdef __Task12
#undef nTasks
#define nTasks 13

#ifdef __Task13
#undef nTasks
#define nTasks 14

#ifdef __Task14
#undef nTasks
#define nTasks 15

#ifdef __Task15
#undef nTasks
#define nTasks 16

#if (!(nTasks))
#error No Tasks Defined in 4AvrOS_Tasks.h (you want a taskless os?)


#endif // _4AVROS_TASKS_H

// __ __ ___ ____ _____ //
// / // / / |_ _______/ __ \/ ___/ //
// / // /_/ /| | | / / ___/ / / /\__ \ //
// /__ __/ ___ | |/ / / / /_/ /___/ / //
// /_/ /_/ |_|___/_/ \____//____/ //
// ____ ____ _ _ _ //
// / ___|___ ___ _ __ / ___| ___| |__ ___ __| |_ _| | ___ _ __ //
// | | / _ \ / _ \| '_ \ \___ \ / __| '_ \ / _ \/ _` | | | | |/ _ \ '__| //
// | |__| (_) | (_) | |_) | ___) | (__| | | | __/ (_| | |_| | | __/ | //
// \____\___/ \___/| .__/ |____/ \___|_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__,_|_|\___|_| //
// |_| //
// __ __ //
// / / __ __ ______ ______/ /__ ____ _ //
// / _ \/ // / / __/ // / __/ __/ |/ / ' \ //
// /_.__/\_, / \__/\_,_/_/ \__/|___/_/_/_/ //
// /___/ //
// //
// //
// Copyright 2007 by Curt Van Maanen //
// //
// Version 2007.10.06 //
// 4AvrOS_Tasks.c //

___ _ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___
|_ _| \| |/ __| | | | | | \| __/ __|
| || .` | (__| |_| |_| | |) | _|\__ \


#include <avr/io.h>
#include "4AvrOS_Tasks.h" // needs to be before 4AvrOS.h
#include "4AvrOS.h"

___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___
| \| __| __|_ _| \| | __/ __|
| |) | _|| _| | || .` | _|\__ \
|___/|___|_| |___|_|\_|___|___/


___ _ ___ ___ _ _ __ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ _ ___ ___
/ __| | / _ \| _ ) /_\ | | \ \ / /_\ | _ \_ _| /_\ | _ ) | | __/ __|
| (_ | |_| (_) | _ \/ _ \| |__ \ V / _ \| /| | / _ \| _ \ |__| _|\__ \
\___|____\___/|___/_/ \_\____| \_/_/ \_\_|_\___/_/ \_\___/____|___|___/


___ _ _ _ _ ___ _____ ___ ___ _ _ ___
| __| | | | \| |/ __|_ _|_ _/ _ \| \| |/ __|
| _|| |_| | .` | (__ | | | | (_) | .` |\__ \
|_| \___/|_|\_|\___| |_| |___\___/|_|\_||___/


initialize ports, registers, etc. called from main()

void init_mystuff(void){
DDRB |= ((1<<PB0) | (1<<PB1)); //pb0,pb1 output for led

___ _ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _____ ___
|_ _| \| |_ _| __| _ \ _ \ | | | _ \_ _/ __|
| || .` | | | | _|| / / |_| | _/ | | \__ \
|___|_|\_| |_| |___|_|_\_|_\\___/|_| |_| |___/


_____ _ ___ _ _____
|_ _/_\ / __| |/ / __|
| |/ _ \\__ \ ' <\__ \
|_/_/ \_\___/_|\_\___/

//code here
//make sure an os call is in here somewhere, else will be stuck here


BEGIN_TASK(demoLed1_Task) // flash led on PB0

osWAIT(100); // wait 1s
PORTB ^= (1<<PB0); // invert led



BEGIN_TASK(demoLed2_Task) // flash led on PB0

static uint8_t i;
for(i=1; i<15; i++){
osWAIT(i); // wait
PORTB ^= (1<<PB1); // invert led